梅與天 Mei Yutian

生平 Biography

梅與天生於1893年,廣東順德人,戰後移居美國檀香山。他初期研習西洋畫,同時亦喜愛國畫。黃君壁 (1889-1991) 及李研山 (1898-1961) 等在廣州組織「赤社美術研究會」,梅氏加入成為社員。他把西洋透視取景的方法融入國畫,形成了中西合壁的風格。梅氏擅長山水、人物、禽鳥等繪畫題材,設色鮮艷。



Mei Yutian was born in 1893 in Shunde, Guangdong province. He moved to Honolulu in United States after the Second Sino-Japanese War. Initially, he studied Western painting and was also interested in Chinese painting. Mei joined Chishe Art Research Society in Guangzhou founded by Wang Junbi (1889-1991), Li Yanshan (1898-1961) and others. He integrated the method of Western linear perspective into Chinese painting, forming a style that combined Chinese and Western elements. Mei excelled in painting landscapes, figures and birds with bright colors.

Yun Ruxin, Minguo shuhuajia huizhuan (Biographies of Calligraphers and Painters of the Republican Period) (Taipei: Taiwan shangwu yinshuguan, 1986), 209.